Vincent Miezejewski

Epic Appraisers

As licensed appraisers, we have the comprehensive know-how and qualifications to produce the type of dependable property value opinions that banks and major lending institutions require for mortgages. With years of experience that only comes with time, we're prepared to take on a variety of property types.

Call us today at 9085815783.

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Need a Valuation?

Providing expert commercial valuations on properties like:

  • Industrial parks, light manufacturing, and warehouses
  • Office buildings with multiple or single tenants
  • Fast food and family restaurants, independent, or franchise
  • Multi-family apartment buildings, co-ops, and condominiums
  • Fitness centers
  • Conference and convention centers

Services & Fees

Why Choose Epic Appraisers?

How do we save time and maintain low fees without scrimping on quality? Our reply is simple: Technology. And first and foremost, we keep in mind the importance of professional customer service. We're always mindful of this whether we're on the phone, in e-mail or visiting in person. Finally, what it comes down to is an unbeatable experience for our customers. Let us prove why we're different. Call us today.

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