Samantha Pendleton

Appraisals by Pendleton

No matter what type of home you have, our ongoing analysis of local real estate trends and formal training as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Martinsville City County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

Call us today at 2763400135.

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Looking for a Valuation?

Appraising commercial property in County such as:

  • Industrial parks, light manufacturing, and warehouses
  • Office buildings with multiple or single tenants
  • Fast food and family restaurants, independent, or franchise
  • Multi-family apartment buildings, co-ops, and condominiums
  • Fitness centers
  • Conference and convention centers

Services & Fees

Why Choose Appraisals by Pendleton?

Technology plays a key part in how Appraisals by Pendleton does business. It helps keep fees reasonable while maintaining high quality and responsive service. Of course, it's been our experience that in practically any business, service is the number one reason a client comes, goes, stays or refers their friends. Additionally, we treat you like we prefer to be treated ourselves whether we're in person, having a phone conversation or communicating in e-mail. It all adds up to simply an unbeatable experience for our clients. Call us today, and let us prove to you why we're different.

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