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We’re the experts in County appraisals.

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Appraisal Experts

No matter what type of real estate is in question, our extensive field work and hours of study as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in Duval County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

Technology plays an important part in how William Irby does business. It helps keep rates affordable while maintaining superb quality and service levels. Of course, it's been our experience that no matter where you go, service is the main reason a client comes, goes, repeats or gives your number to their friends. Additionally, we treat our customers like we'd want to be treated ourselves whether we're meeting face to face, having a phone conversation or sending e-mail. The end result is simply an unbeatable experience for our customers. See for yourself why we're different. Call us today.