Whether it's a young couple's first home or the most modern new construction, our extensive field work and education as licensed appraisers make us qualified to provide home valuations in San Bernardino County for clients ranging from national mortgage companies to local lenders or individual businesses and consumers.

Call us today at 9092345655.

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Expert Valuations.

Despite the fact that appraising continues to increase in complexity , we're able to keep our rates down and quality high by employing technology. Of course, it's been our experience that regardless of the business, service is the primary reason a client comes, goes, repeats or refers their friends. You'll be shown the utmost courtesy in all aspects of working and communicating with INGRAM & ASSOCIATES. In the end, what it boils down to is an unsurpassed experience for our clients. Experience first hand why INGRAM & ASSOCIATES is the appraisal firm for you. Call today.

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