Dorian Lacourse

As licensed appraisers, we have the extensive training and qualifications to give you the type of dependable property value opinions that banks and top lending institutions require for home loans. With years of experience that only comes with time, we're more than ready to take on practically any type of property.

Call us today at 5133829689.

Frequently Asked Questions

Expert Valuations.

How do we do more in less time and maintain low prices while maintaining high quality? The answer is: Technology. We also know that in practically any business, service is the top reason a client comes, goes, stays or gives your number to others. We're always mindful of this whether we're on the phone, in e-mail or conversing in person. Ultimately, what it boils down to is simply the best possible experience for our clients. Call us today, and let us prove to you why we're different.

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